Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

~ My Rock Star

In April of 1981, I met a boy.  A boy with dark wavy hair, brown eyes that literally melted my heart when he turned them on me, and a smile that stopped me dead in my tracks.  A boy named Ken, the boy who stole my heart.

In May of 1982, I married that boy.  We were young and in love, and he was my world.  Thirty years later, we’re a bit older but still very much in love.  He’s not only my world, he’s my rock star.  He’s the father of my children, my shoulder to lean on; the one I turn to when my world has been turned upside down.  His eyes still melt my heart and his smile can still stop me dead in my tracks.  His voice is like a smooth whiskey, warming me from the inside out.  He’s my comfort when my dreams turn into nightmares, and the one I always want by my side.  He's the one I look for in a crowded room, the one I can next to in comfortable silence. 

He’s a husband, a father, a father in-law.  He’s a big game hunter, a fisherman, a golfer.  He’s a business owner, and a provider.

He’s my laughter, my smile, my love, my heart.  He’s my very own rock star.

Happy 30th Anniversary, love.