Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Monday, July 30, 2012

~ An Unfinished Canvas

My life is an unfinished canvas
to which strokes of color
are added each day.
Each bold stroke
a vivid reminder of
who I am
where I’ve been.
Each fragmented paint splatter
a possibility of
where I’m heading next.

© July 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

~ Summer (a poem)

warm sand between my toes

waves crashing against the beach

bright umbrellas for miles and miles

tanned bodies glistening in the sunshine

the squeals of a child as the cold water rushes over her toes

the happy bark of a dog chasing after a Frisbee

seagulls squawking overhead as they dive for lunch

hard-body lifeguards keeping watch from the towers

the sun setting low in brilliant colors of orange, red, and yellow

bonfires, hotdogs, and roasted marshmallows

couples swaying to the sound of a distant guitar

walking hand in hand along the waters edge

the sights

the sounds

the smells

the colors



July 2012