Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

~ Love Like Crazy

I remember after bringing Ryan home from the hospital, I often found myself wishing for a guide book of some sort. Something that would help guide me through all the ups and downs of caring for and raising a child. Seriously, what first time parent doesn’t happily and cluelessly bring their newborn home from the hospital and within an hour, isn’t scouring the internet looking for an instruction manual? With pictures.

By the time Lynsay arrived, I had a fairly good idea of what I was doing and could only hope that I didn’t mess it up. As the kids grew up and got older, KJ and I both came to the stark realization that all we could do was love them, teach them right from wrong, teach them values, encourage them to always do their best and to never give up on their dreams. The rest would be up to them.

As they grew, my dream for both of them was that they lead happy and fulfilling lives; lives rich with love and laughter, and a family and children of their own. Children of their own means grandchildren for me.

This past weekend, Lynsay took the first step of that journey. She and her boyfriend Cody got engaged while we were in Newport Beach. He actually got down on one knee and asked her to marry him in front of God and everybody. She cried, and watching from a distance, tears of joy silently slid down my face.

Over the weekend, I discovered an indescribable joy in seeing the way her eyes light up whenever she looks at Cody. Her face radiates joy and love. My dream for her came true.

As a mother, I want nothing more for my kids than to find a life partner; someone to share all the joys that life has to offer. Someone who will share not only the joy but the sorrow, a person who will share any burdens or hardships that life throws at them. Someone to dance with, laugh with, raise babies with and grow old with. Watching Lynsay and Cody this past weekend, I know that in Cody, she’s found that person.

I pray that their joyous times will always outweigh the times of sorrow and that love and laughter not only fill their hearts, but also their home.

And may they always love like crazy . . . .

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