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Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Monday, May 16, 2011

~ A Shout Out

It’s a well known fact to friends and family that I love my children more than life itself. Where my husband is my better half and my constant source of strength through life’s many trials and tribulations, my children are like bright rays of golden sunshine that filter through the clouds on a cold and dreary day. They have the ability to fill my life and my heart with a warmth in a way that only our children know how to do.

I’ve watched them both strive to find their place and leave their mark in this world. I’ve watched them not only set goals for themselves but achieve those goals that have been set. I’ve watched them push themselves, working tirelessly, sometimes burning the candle at both ends just to meet their goals.

When they entered college, they both chose a field of interest and stayed on course. We never pushed them towards a certain field or a more lucrative career. We counseled and advised when asked but ultimately, the choice was theirs and as parents, we supported them every step along the way.

So when Lynsay graduated from college last week with not one, but three degrees, I admit that as her mom, I was a bit disappointed for her in that her accomplishments couldn’t have been given the recognition that she deserved. Granted, she’s not the only college student to graduate with more than one degree and that day, she was just one fish in a sea of 1700; but she’s my fish and on that day, I wanted the whole world to know what she had accomplished.

I sat there that day and wondered how many other moms were there, frantically searching for that familiar face in a sea of black robes and then, with eyes glued to their child, watched as that child's first day of kindergarten played through their minds like an old familiar movie. I wondered if I was the only mom there who was so proud, that I was moved to tears. I wondered if KJ and I were the only parents whose eyes welled up with tears when we found her name (on page 25) of the program.

I know we weren’t. It was not only evident in the massive number of parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends who filled the auditorium that day, but it was abundantly clear in the cheers, the shout outs, the whistles, the cat calls and the blow horns.

While I realize that there’s not enough time to devote to calling out each individual degree that a student has earned, a small part of me wanted to jump up from my seat, fist pumping in the air as Lynsay’s name was announced and she was rushed across the stage and down the ramp. I wanted to shout to anyone who would listen how this amazing girl had exceeded all of our expectations and was not only graduating with 3 degrees, but had made the Dean’s List as well. As her name was called, I hooted and hollered before looking over at her dad, giving him that knowing smile that parents around the world give each other when one of their children has done something that we, as parents, deem incredible.

Stinkerbell? Here’s your shoutout: Congratulations on your degree in Business Management, your degree in Marketing and your degree in Entrepreneurship. And an extra big shout out for achieving that final goal you set for yourself: making the Dean’s List. We’re extremely proud of you.

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