Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

~ Looking Back

When  I was carrying her, I didn’t think about her first day of school, her first boyfriend, her first school dance, or her first ‘real’ date.

When I was carrying her, I didn’t think about dance lessons, make-up, getting her drivers license, or her first car.

When I was carrying her, the farthest thing from my mind was a picture of her all grown up and married, with a family of her own.  

And even further from my mind was the day that she would someday make me a grandmother.  

When I was carrying her, I thought about:
carrying her to term
counting her fingers & toes after she was born
late night feedings
diaper changes
watching her sleep
keeping her safe from all harm
who would she look like
would she be a sleeper or a cryer

Twenty four years later, she’s a college graduate, a wife, and a mother-to-be.  And  now I look at her and I think to myself, what a beautiful woman she’s grown up to be, and what an incredible wife and mother she’ll be.  

As I sit here and roll the term ‘grandmother’ around on my tongue, I like it.  I’m going to love this new role in my life.  

Full circle.  

My mom would have so loved this.

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