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Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Thursday, June 28, 2012

~ Summer Memories

When I was a kid, Summer meant:

water gun fights

slip 'n slides

peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches

a never ending supply of grape kool-aid

my mom's chocolate chip cookies, warm right out of the oven

Prell shampoo (my aunt Joyce used to wash my hair in her kitchen sink)

my aunt Joyce’s hush puppies

a houseful of neighborhood kids

all day spent at the pool

baby oil & iodine




playing jacks on the front porch

coming home when the street lights came on

summer bible school with our next door neighbors

Coke & Cherry slurpees from 7-11

relatives visiting from England

crushes on the lifeguard at the neighborhood pool

drinking out of the garden hose

dancing around my bedroom to Donny Osmond

family vacations

weekly trips to the library

McDonald’s being a special treat

leaving the house in the morning, and only coming home for lunch and dinner

bike rides to the nearest Braum's for ice cream

my mom’s peach cobbler

God, I miss summer . . .

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