Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Saturday, March 27, 2010

~ Murphy

Murphy turned 2 yesterday.

He seriously has ADD for dogs. He should probably be on drugs for anxiety. Do they make Prozac for dogs??? Worth checking into . . .

He barks at the wind and chases the hummingbirds across the back yard. He attempts to catch flies. He pounces on the bugs at night and picks fights with the lizards that hide in the bushes. He growls and barks at strangers and sometimes that means KJ. If you get too close to me, he goes bezerk and launches into attack mode. He’s fiercely loyal and protective. He follows me everywhere I go (and I mean everywhere). He hates to be left alone. If I step out the front door and he can still see me through the window, in his mind, he’s alone and therefore he’ll show his discontent by barking and whining from inside the house. While staring right at me. It’s like he thinks something is going to happen to me out there. Or maybe he thinks something will happen to him in the house. Who knows. Personally, I think he’s a few dog bones short, ya know?

No matter what he is, he’s all mine and I’d be so lost without him. He tolerates the conversations I have with him and at times, he even pretends to listen. Something he picked up from KJ, I’m sure. He cuddles up next to me at night. I’ve yet to figure out if this is for my protection or his. Sometimes he just stares at my face and I swear he can see right through to my soul. He seems to know when I’m happy, sad or not feeling well. And I swear he can sense when I’m missing the kids.

When we first got him, he was 4 months old and the longer we had him, the more I was convinced that his previous owners had abused him in some way. Maybe it wasn’t physical abuse, but even ignoring an animal is abuse. He’s still skittish even around me, but he’s gotten so much better than the puppy who cowered and shook with fear when we first brought him home. Even though we paid for him, sometimes I think to myself that we actually rescued him. Maybe that’s why he is the way he is. Or maybe my original theory is right....he’s a few bones short of a full dog bone basket.

In any case, he gives total unconditional love and how can you not love him just for that alone?

Besides, look at those ears. And that face. Isn’t he the most adorable dog you’ve ever seen?

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