Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Monday, April 25, 2011

~ Happy Birthday, Stinkerbell

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

... Maya Angelou

Today is Lynsay's 23rd birthday. It's been a day of celebration, a day of 'mother/daughter' bonding, a day of me getting as much time with her as I possibly can before she moves to Columbus in May. She has, along with her brother Ryan, always been the brightest light in my life.

She inspires me, she never ceases to amaze me, and she continually fills my life with a joy that even I can't express. She's always danced to the beat of her own drum.

She's not perfect by any means. She's impatient and stubborn, and for one so young, set in her ways.

But she's mine and I am filled with unconditional love for this beautiful young woman who not only will graduate from college in two weeks, but who is ready to go out into the world and blaze her own path. Trust me when I say that she'll do this her way. I wouldn't have her any other way.

Happy Birthday Stinkerbell, and thank you for always being the rainbow in my cloud.


before I ever held you

in my arms ~

before your tiny hand curled

itself tightly around my

little finger ~

before your crooked toothless grin

could instantly melt

my heart ~

before you looked at the world

with eyes full of

awe and wonder ~

before you crawled at the

speed of light ~

before you uttered your

first word ~

before pre-school and junior high,

slumber parties and the

discovery of boys ~

before make-up and high heels,

homecoming and prom ~

before softball, dance lessons,

and your first car ~

before your first breath


before your first step . . .

. . . I loved you



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