Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Monday, June 1, 2009

~ From Cruella, With Love . . .

Since this will be my first blog, I'm going to just ramble a bit.

First of all, the title, "From Cruella, With Love" is probably making Lynsay, Kristin and Erin laugh out loud since they're the three who call me Cruella the most. Where does this come from? Well, remember when the revised movie "The Parent Trap" came out? In one of the scenes, Hallie/Annie runs into Meredith and as Meredith walks away, Hallie/Annie mumbles, "Whatever you say....Cruella." Sometime after that movie, Lynsay said that very same thing to me and well, the name Cruella stuck. So, naming this blog "From Cruella, With Love" makes it a bit more personal.

My friend Linda is the one who introduced me to this site. She uses it as a way to keep friends/family up-to-date on what's going on with the family, what's new in her life, etc. Linda, by the way, is my one and only friend here in California. I absolutely adore her and I guess you could say we're partners in crime whenever we get together.

In this blog, you'll find updates on family, pics of family or places I visit here in California and pics of family events and trips. I'll post my favorite quotes, my favorite music and I'll even be sharing some of my writing. Yes, I know, most of you didn't know that I love to write and according to Kenny and my friends from school, I don't do too bad when I let my imagination take over.

Sit back and enjoy the ramblings of Cruella . . . .

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention in your profile that you were a Pipette ..... D
