Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

~ Ya Ya's ~ Part Two

Not long after I started working at Papillion La Vista High School, a group of us quickly bonded and formed an allegiance that friendship can so often bring.

At the beginning, we shared many commonalities; first and foremost, we were mothers. We were wives, we were daughters, we were sisters and we were aunts. We soon began getting together to share our birthdays over dinners and drinks. We’d laugh out loud, we’d bitch about our husbands, and we’d vent about our inlaws. Over the years, we celebrated triumphs of our own and those of our children, the graduations of our children, and the marriage of one child. We watched each others children grow into mature, responsible adults. Together, we mourned loss of life, loss of friendship and the loss of a union.

We shared sadness, joy, and our families. We were there for each other during sickness or during times of trouble. Through it all, we stayed strong and we stayed true to each other.

When I found out that KJ and I were moving to California, these were the friends that I most dreaded having to tell. I wasn’t ready to shed the tears that I knew would come. After seeing them on a daily basis for 13 years, I wasn’t ready to leave them. I didn’t want them to face each day without me. I wasn’t ready to miss them and miss them I would.

I have so many memories of these beautiful women. The games we worked, the dinners we went to, the laughter and the tears. The parties, the gatherings, the shopping. The breaks in Mary’s office and the Scooter runs. Working Parent/Teacher conferences and Student Registration.

These women are more than just my friends. They’re my heart. They’re my sisters. They’re my Ya Ya’s ~

Mary, Nancy, Nadine & Gem (not pictured) . . . thank you for the gift of your friendship that has kept me sane and grounded all these years.

I love you ~


  1. Mickey
    I can't believe you didn't mention crawling around on the floor of the hallways searching for money!! Or how about singing "I'm too sexy for my shoes...." I am so thankful that you ladies admitted me into your special group. I really enjoy reading your thoughts on this blog. Thanks for brightening my life with your smile!

  2. I have a special "memory" blog that will tell all about our floor crawling!!! Those are such treasured memories to me!

  3. Great pics! Looks like so much fun! Was this from your May trip to the Big P?
