Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

~ Omaha Gone Wild

In April, we made the first of two trips back to Omaha. This first trip was to celebrate Lynsay's 21st birthday. KJ and I left sunny California on April 23rd for cool and rainy Omaha. Friday was our first full day back and admittedly, the day was warm and sunny. It was the rest of the trip that was cold and rainy!

I had been looking forward to this trip for what seemed like forever. I had a special surprise for Stinkerbell ~ my mom, my sister and my niece were all driving up from Oklahoma City to help us celebrate. On Friday, Lynsay and I went for pedicures after her class. I told her we couldn't lollygag, that we needed to be back at the hotel by 4pm because one of my g/f's from school (Gem) was leaving town, would miss the party and she wanted to give Lynsay her gift in person. I only partly fibbed.....Gem did miss Lynsay's party but she was already out of town. *shrugs*

So, Lyns and I get to the hotel and I'm scanning the parking lot for my sisters car. Once I spotted it, I had to make sure I didn't park anywhere near it because Lynsay would have definitely noticed the Oklahoma plates. It was drizzling so we hurried in to the hotel and as we walked through the front doors, my family was off to the side waiting for her. When she spotted my mom, she totally lost it. The tears started coming and she kept saying, "I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say." She was really taken by surprise and keeping it from her was well worth it. Even the girls behind the front desk were misty eyed as they watched the scene unfold. I think that moment was the best part of the entire weekend.

We had a big family dinner that night at Big Fred's Pizza Place (a family favorite) and stayed up that night getting caught up. The next day, Lynsay and I ran errands ~ she got her hair done, we picked up her birthday cake, etc.

Her party was held at The Candlelight and you know, we had a really good time. It was so nice to have my mom and my sister there with me; my niece had a blast (her uncle KJ taught her how to play keno) and I got to meet my sister's boyfriend, who also made the trip. I think I maybe scare him

All the kids had a great time ~ my two nieces (Kristin & Erin) were up on the stage dancing with Lynsay, TJ (Lynsay's boyfriend) and Ryan, TJ's brother. KJ and I got to spend some time with friends, I got to see my girls from school (I really MISS them) ~ it was just one of those weekends where friends and family congregated to celebrate an important occasion.

I remember at one point I was standing there in the area where we all were and I looked over and saw Lynsay on the dance floor having a blast. I saw Ryan hanging with his college buddies. I saw my mom, my sister, my niece, all having fun. I looked over and saw Kim and the girls laughing at something and everywhere I looked I saw our friends ~ I felt blessed.

It was a celebration on many different levels.

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