Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Friday, December 18, 2009

~ Happy Friday

Gingerbread Latte, anyone?

We're switching cable companies today from Time Warner (who, btw, blows monkey chunks) to Dish Network. However, it seems there's been a 'glitch' and Dish won't be getting us back online until Jan 5th. This is where I calmly say, "WTH"???

Time Warner is supposed to be shutting off my cable/internet today but to be quite honest, they have never been prompt and their service leaves a lot to be desired so.....maybe today they'll keep on that 'bad customer service' streak and I'll have the internet until I leave for Omaha. However, knowing my luck, today will be the one day that they'll actually do what they said they would.

In the meantime, I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to get ready for our drive to the tundra that is known as home. I have shopping to finish and baking to start (shh, don't tell Lynsay that I haven't even started my baking).

I'll have my laptop with me in Omaha so I'll be sharing 'travel tales' and Christmas pics.

Have a great weekend; I'm off to hit the stores and of course, Starbucks.

btw, just a little side note here ~ this is my 100th blog ~ Yay me!!

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