Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Thursday, December 10, 2009

~ Takin' It To The Grave

As an adult, when it comes to my friendships, I have been truly blessed. The women I surround myself with are some of the most loving, supportive, and amazing women I know. And while we are scattered across the country from California to Florida ~ Minnesota to Nebraska and points in between, we seem to be in constant contact. Whether we need to laugh or cry, vent or share, we know that we’re only a phone call away. With the stroke of a few keys, we’re laughing, we’re venting, we’re sharing our ups or our downs. And sometimes a glass of wine.

As women, we have the uncanny ability to ‘connect’ with those who are like us in some way. Whether we share a love of books, of shopping, of wine, of coffee, of chocolate, or just a love of life in general, we can meet a new friend and in less than 5 minutes, we know all the pertinent information. We’ve connected and from that moment on, you know that you have a friend for life.

Men will try to understand it. They’ll question our ability to ‘know’ and they’ll forever wonder how we do it. It’s like a secret that we all share and they want to know the secret. I’d like to think it’s part of our allure, that one little thing that makes us mysterious. I know that it’s that one thing that as hard as they try, they’ll never, in their lifeteime, figure out. And yet we not only continue to let them try, we derive great pleasure in watching them. I call it cheap entertainment.

All of this being said, I have a new neighbor. In the course of two days, this ‘neighbor’ has become a Ya Ya. We connected the first time we met. She flew in from Canada on Tuesday night and we’ve spent the past two days shopping for her new home.

On the first day, she tried to get me beat up in the parking lot of the outlet mall. We all know the rule ~ if you’re at the Coach store and you find a bag you like, you hang onto it because more than likely, it’s the only one in the store. Karen (our new Ya Ya) had her eye on a bag that a woman was carrying. She watched as the woman silently debated with herself about the bag. Finally, the woman must have decided it wasn’t the bag she wanted because she not only put the bag down, but she walked away from it. Naturally, because Karen wanted the bag for her niece, she walked over and picked it up. Hey....we all know the rule. Later when we're at the cash register, she nods her head to a couple standing a few registers over and proceeds to tell me the story of how she got the bag and that the man was complaining about how his wife had the bag and then "someone" else picked it up. At this point, the man was shooting daggers at Karen and I. I said to her, “Great, you’re going to get my ass kicked on the first day out.” Hey, only a true friend will do that.

It’s been two days of great fun ~ we’ve laughed til our sides hurt, we’ve had serious conversations and not so serious conversations. She knows about the 'daily dose' I need to make my day. And we discovered today that we’re going to be dangerous shopping buddies because we have the same taste. And, not surprising, we already have a story that we’ll take to the grave.

As women, we can appreciate the fact that we can connect with each other the way that we do. As women, we also seem to value our friendships more than we ever did as young girls. I am beyond thrilled that, even though Karen doesn’t live here full-time, she’s here at all.

My Ya Ya’s ~ a group of women who are loving, supportive, and amazing. I can only hope that I give to you even half of what you all give to me.


~ by Maya Angelou

When I was in my younger days, I weighed a few pounds less,

I needn’t hold my tummy in to wear a belted dress.

But now that I am older, I’ve set my body free;

There’s comfort of elastic where once my waist would be.

Inventor of those high-heeled shoes my feet have not forgiven;

I have to wear a nine now, but used to wear a seven.

And how about those pantyhose—they’re sized by weight, you see,

So how come when I put them on the crotch is at my knee?

I need to wear these glasses as the print’s been getting smaller;

And it wasn’t very long ago I know that I was taller.

Though my hair has turned to gray and my skin no longer fits,

On the inside, I’m the same old me, it’s the outside’s changed a bit.

But, on a positive note…

I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things . . . a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.

I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they’re gone from your life.

I’ve learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.

I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.

I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.

I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.

I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

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