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Monday, December 7, 2009

~ Talk About Frosting My Cupcakes!

WARNING ~ The contents of this post may leave your mouth hanging open in shock or your sides aching from laughing so hard. The author (me) is in no way responsible for whatever damage you may do to yourselves in the process of your open-faced shock or side-splitting laughter.

Moving right along.....KJ and I have been Nebraska ticket holders since about 1992. We’re Boosters and that means not only do we pay for our tickets every year, we also pay booster fees every year. You would think that after paying for tickets and fees for the last 17 years, we would have been able to get tickets at least once to a championship or bowl game. Wrong. During these years, not once have we ever been lucky enough to get tickets to a championship or bowl game. Not once.

That being said, when we found out that Nebraska was going to be playing Texas this past weekend in Arlington, KJ, once again immediately went online to request 4 tickets. After he filled out all the information, a message popped up on the screen that said, “Thank you, your REQUEST has been recieved” . . . not a message that said, “Thank you, your tickets will be mailed to you.”

We waited and waited to hear whether we would be one of the lucky ones who would get tickets. After not hearing anything ~ no email, no confirmation notice, etc. ~ we assumed that once again, we weren’t one of the booster members who got tickets.

The kids left a week ago today after being out here for 5 days for Thanksgiving and KJ left that same day for Phoenix.

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but when the mail comes and KJ is out of town, if it has his name on it, it goes on his desk. I don’t open his mail, he doesn’t open mine; it’s like my purse or his wallet....his mail is his, mine is mine.

On Monday, there was no mail at all. On Tuesday, there was nothing but ads. On Wednesday, there was the usual stuff ~ bills, magazines, etc. On Thursday, there was mail for KJ so I put it on his desk. And, I don’t usually pay attention to his mail unless he specifically asks me to keep an eye out for something.

KJ got home from Phoenix late last night. He eventually makes his way to his office and starts going through his mail. In that stack of mail was an envelope from the Nebraska Athletic Office. Now, since we’re booster members, if I had paid attention to this, I would have assumed it was something to do with tickets for next year.

(Prepare yourselves ~ this is where your jaw drops to the floor in shock)

When KJ opened that envelope up last night, imagine our surprise, not to mention shock, to discover 4 tickets to the Big 12 Championship game. The Big 12 game that was played on Saturday. The Big 12 Championship game that we didn’t go to. The Big 12 Championship game we would have been at had we known that tickets were being sent to us.

Now, all of that aside, what kind of idiot sends tickets to California on a Monday for a game that is being played in Texas 5 days later? Seriously. The envelope was postmarked in Nebraska on Nov 30th. The envelope didn’t arrive here until Thursday afternoon. Now, even if KJ had been home, we would have been scrambling to get to Texas by Saturday for that game. Yes, it could have been done. But had we had an inkling that we would be getting tickets, he would have postponed his trip and we would've been on the road Thursday night. But we all know that’s not the point.

The point is (and this is what really frosts my cupcakes) we’re out $352 for tickets that we didn’t get to use. And yes, even after a call to the university, we’re still SOL. My feeling is this ~ the university should have sent something out letting us know we were getting tickets. Evenif they had they let us know that we MIGHT be getting tickets, we would have made that work. At least then we would have been watching the mail on a daily basis.

Instead, I was here in California watching Nebraska play on TV while KJ was in Phoenix.

Now, had Nebraska won that game, I assure you, I’d be a lot more pissy than I already am.

Hmmm, maybe I should figure out a way for Tom Osborne to see this!

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