Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

~ Changes

I started this blog when KJ and I moved to California. It started as a way for me to better communicate with friends and family on California living, what was new and exciting in our lives and the lives of the kids. It slowly became an outlet for me. An outlet for me to free my mind and release whatever thoughts were passing through my head on any given day. Put pen to paper, so to speak, and just let the words flow.

I’ve been told that I have a gift with words, that I can write, and write well. I don’t know if that is true but I do know that I enjoy putting my thoughts down on paper and making them into something. I’ve decided to devote more time to my writing this year and even if I write just for me, that’s okay. Someday when I’m gone, my legacy to my kids will be whatever I’ve written through the years.

So, I’ve also decided to make a few changes to my blog. Instead of it being mostly about family happenings, I’ll add in quotes that I like and revelations that I’ve made where it pertains to my life. I might add a recipe or two of family favorites, something of my mom’s or something I’ve found during my online travels. I might even add a poem or two that I’ve written. I’ll still write about my family – I mean, how can I not, right?

Thinking about it, I guess this will be somewhat of an ‘online diary’ of what’s going on, what I’m thinking, reading, etc. A new coffee I’ve discovered, a new product I’ve tried, a new author who has caught my attention.

Enjoy . . .

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