Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

~ Revelations

There’s been a lot going on in my personal life the last 3 months or so. Over break, I did a lot of ‘soul searching’, a lot of thinking about things that have been done and words that have been said. Like a ship thrashing across a choppy sea, words have been carelessly tossed about, and like an arrow shot from the bow of a perfect archer, those words found their bulls-eye.

Just a little thought about those words. We are the sole owners of any word while it travels through our thoughts. But once those words pass through our thoughts and escape through our lips, we can never get them back. They’re out there, dangling in mid-air, always out of our reach. The words have now passed on to someone new, the person they were directed at. And like it or not, ownership is now shared. Your choice, not theirs.

After all my thinking, after searching my heart and going over events and conversations, given another chance, there’s not a thing that I would do differently.

Sadly, it is what it is. Right or wrong, we have to live with the consequences of our own choices. However, we do not have to live with the burden of the choices of others. We have to own our mistakes, take responsibility for our words and our actions. We can’t force others to do the same. We have to make peace with ourselves and move forward. With them or without them.

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