Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Friday, January 13, 2012

~ Hello, 2012

I’m not too crazy about the word ‘resolutions’ when it comes to the New Year because a resolution is like a promise and while breaking a promise to another person is bad enough, breaking a promise to myself would make me feel twice the loser.

So, instead of resolutions, I now have goals that I try to reach. This year, I’d like to finally win the ‘battle of the bulge.’ My goal is a 25-pound weight loss by Christmas of 2012. I know if I can find the willpower to cut back on the sweets that I love so much, I can accomplish this goal. Oh, I’d have to cut way back on Starbucks and Scooter’s, too.

I’d like patience to be more than just a virtue. I have patience in most areas but totally lack it in others. For instance, driving. Absolutely no patience. I don’t get road rage, but I hate getting behind slow drivers. I start talking to myself and to them. Annoyed. But not road rage. No matter what Ryan says.

Kinder. I’d like to think that I’m kind but admittedly, there are times when I’m not as kind as I could be. I have a warm and giving heart but I’m not always kind.

I’m also in the process of growing a ‘thicker skin’ and letting things that were once bothersome no longer be such an issue. I knew someone years ago who would always tell me, “It is what it is.” I’ve now adopted that mantra. I’ve also come to the realization that I can’t be responsible for the choices others make; I can only be responsible for my own choices, my own words, my own actions.

I would also like to read more. If you were to ask Lynsay, she’d probably tell you that I have my nose in a book 24/7. About summer time of last year, I started keeping a ‘book diary’, listing all the books and authors I’ve read. I also keep a similar diary in my purse, but this one has all the books and authors that I want to read. Yes, I read a lot but I want to read more. Thanks, mom.

Wise. Oh how I wish I were more wise. I wish I knew just what to say at just the right time. Sometimes my mouth speaks before my brain thinks. I definitely need to learn the art of the perfectly timed ‘pause’.

Inspirational. I want to be an inspiration to my kids, and to the kids at school.

Writing. My goal is to devote more time to my writing, whether it’s poetry, journaling, or blogging, I need to write more.

As always, I will continue to strive to be a good wife and mother. And, a good mother in-law. I will also continue to strive to be a good role model at school for all the students I come in contact with.

Here’s to accomplishing my 'goals' for 2012 . . . .

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