Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

~ Love Is

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,

it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And now faith, hope, and love abide, but the greatest of those is love.

~ 1 Corinthians 13:4

We’ve all read this verse at some point in our lives. Sometimes I read it and I’ll be like “Yes!” Other times I read it and I’ll say, “blah blah blah”.

I sat down and comprised a list of just some of the things that love is to me.....

Love is 2am feedings. And 3am. And 4am.

Love is cleaning up the chunks when one of the kids is sick.

Love is letting the kids get a dog when they “promise to take care of it”, even though you know you’ll be the one taking care of it.

Love is letting your kids make their own choices even though we know those choices may not be the right ones.

Love is letting them fail once in a while.

Love is being there to pick them up when they fall.

Love is hanging in there instead of running away.

Love is tears streaming down your face at your daughters dance recital.

Love is unconditional.

Love is being able to sleep in on Saturday (and Sunday) morning ~ undisturbed.

Love is homemade pancakes on Mother’s Day ~ in bed.

Love is a lot of work.

Love is giving mouth to mouth to a dog you didn’t even want.

Love is holding said dog in your lap 5 years later when the vet has to put him to sleep.

Love is watching your son get trampled on the football field and staying in the stands instead of rushing down to the field to protect him.

Love is tearing up at high school graduations.

Love is kindegarten handprints forever saved on red construction paper.

Love is popsicle stick Christmas ornaments.

Love has its rewards but sometimes it’s really hard to find them.

Love is a handmade birthday card.

Love is a phone call just to say, “I love you.”

Love is the smile you keep on your face when your heart is sad.

Love is family ~ near or far.

Love is the lump in your throat that you get when you watch them achieve their goals.

Love is being able to take a second look at that really hot guy (or girl) and not have to apologize for looking.

Love is following your spouse 1500 miles from home and not letting him see you cry.

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