Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Monday, September 28, 2009

~ Mother-izing

I’ve been accused of ‘mother-izing’ Ryan’s apartment! Is there even such a word? I’m thinking no. Actually, he told his dad that Lynsay and I made it ‘all girly.’ I got into Omaha last Wednesday afternoon and by Wednesday night, Lynsay and I were on a mission. I took the kids to La Mesa for dinner and afterwards, we went across the street to Super Target. We picked up the basics ~ dishes, glassware, cutlery, kitchen towels, etc. On Thursday, I finished up with bath rugs, bath towels, a lamp for the kitchen counter and a big candle. Vanilla scented.

On Thursday night after I got home from having dinner with some friends, Ryan told me that Tucker had come by and Ryan had to warn him.....”When you get here, if you notice anything mom is in town.” pfft!!

I’m thinking it’s the candle that makes it girly but I gotta tell ya, it does wonders for getting the boy smell out of the apartment! This morning I cleaned his bathroom and the kitchen, ran the vacuum, dusted and did his laundry. I can leave in the morning knowing that his apartment is clean, his pantry is full and if he gets in an accident, at least he’ll have clean underwear on!

Mother-izing . . . . maybe not such a bad thing afterall.

Friday, September 25, 2009

~ Joy

As most of you know, the past couple of weeks have been emotional and mind numbing. Right now I'm just looking for anything that brings a smile to my face and this did it. Actually, it made me giggle. Out loud.

May the Fairy of Joy beat the shit out of all of you!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~ In The Name of Love

I’m in Denver waiting for my flight to Oklahoma City. Only 2 1/2 hours left to go on a 4 hour layover! The flight from California to here gave me time to put my new blog to words but once again, the thoughts I form in my head never come out the same way once I start to type.

Most of you know that I’m an adopted child. Never, in my 49 years have I ever considered that to be a stigma. I’ve known that I was adopted for as long as I can remember, which means my parents probably started telling me the moment they brought me home from the orphanage.

No, it wasn’t a real orphanage per se but it was a place run by nuns; the place where my parents came to get me after my birth mother had me. My parents ~ my mom and dad. Not my adopted parents but my real parents. The two people who chose me. The two people who took me home to be their daughter. The people who loved me even during my most stubborn years. And let me tell ya, those years were plenty!

Now, some people, when I tell them that I’m adopted, look at me with that little look that says, ‘Oh, you poor thing’ while others look at it like I amazement and in awe. My parents adopted 4 of us. Pretty amazing, huh?

Adopted children are naturally curious about where they 'came from' and I’m certainly no exception to the rule. During my 49 years I’ve wondered about the woman who carried me inside of her for 9 months. That same sense of curiousity was even stronger after I had Ryan and Lynsay. I’ve wondered where I got these eyes that I’ve never seen on anyone else. I’ve wondered where I got my smile and these God awful Fred Flintstone toes. And every year on my birthday, I can’t help but wonder if she thinks about the baby girl that she gave away.

Oh, I know that what she did was not only the best thing for me, but I'm certain she did what she did because she loved me and I'll be the first to say it. And, if I were to ever meet her, I’d embrace her and thank her for giving me life and for having the courage to not have an abortion but instead, to carry me inside of her, knowing she would never watch me grow up. She'd never see the milestones in my life ~ my first steps, my 16th birthday, my high school graduation, my 21st birthday, my wedding day or the birth of my first child. It was a selfless act on her part and I believe with all my heart that she was not only courageous but she showed a strength that I don’t know I could ever have. And even knowing all that she gave up, and I'm totally in awe of what she did, she’s not my mom. My mom is in Oklahoma City, waiting for me to walk through her apartment door tonight with a smile on my face and arms ready to embrace her.

I do, however, know a few things about this courageous woman who gave birth to me. When I was 3o and had to have my hysterectomy, my doctor wanted my medical history. Well, kinda hard to know that stuff if you were adopted in 1960; no such thing as open adoptions back then.

I did what I could to find out what I needed to know and the information that Catholic Social Services gave me about my birth mother and the boy who got her pregnant is as follows . . .

She was young, only 21 or 22; he was a few years older. When he found out she was pregnant, he took off and she never heard from him again. Social Services had minimal info about her and her side of the family and little to none about his.

A few years ago, I started doing some writing and one of the first things I wrote, using what little information I had, was a poem about being adopted.

Hope you like it.

~ In The Name of Love

She met him at a party

It was his smile that caught her eye

He made her eyes light up with laughter

She believed he'd never lie

They sat alone and talked for hours

'til the early morning light

She was the object of his affection

On that warm and starry night

He walked her home at sunrise

With a promise on his lips

He'd be there waiting after class

and then he left her with a kiss

Her days were cold without him

At night she found warmth in his arms

Never knowing she was one of many

Who had fallen for his boyish charms

The days got shorter, the air turned brisk

As summer slowly faded away

She can close her eyes and remember

It seems like it was yesterday

In her heart was love and laughter

As she joyously broke the news

In his heart was shock and anger

His freedom he would not lose

She searched her heart for answers

She prayed to God above

"Lord, help me find the answers

for this baby I now love"

Once again the days got shorter

Summer faded day by day

If she closes her eyes she can remember

The day her world fell away

She was born in mid-September

On a day full of beauty and promise

Her new parents were waiting to take her

They were anxious, scared and cautious

As the young mother held her one last time

She looked up to the heavens above

"Thank you Lord for the courage

To give her up, in the name of love"

~ The Birthday Fairy . . .

. . . is a crock! I'm sure you're all gasping or spitting out your coffee, but it's true. There is no such thing as the Birthday Fairy. I know! I was shocked, too.

Last night before I went to bed, I asked the Birthday Fairy to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make me 10 lbs. lighter on the morning of my birthday. Well, this morning when the day dawned bright and clear, I wasn't 10 lbs lighter at all. I'm thinking that damn Birthday Fairy is in the same place as the Laundry Fairy, the Cleaning Fairy and all those other little fairies that I've called out to at some point. On vacation! *sighs* Just my luck!

Although the Birthday Fairy wasn't anywhere around, I had a wonderful birthday at Disney. The day dawned bright and beautiful. We spent 9 hours at Disney ~ Ryan wanted to know whatever did we do for 9 hours?? Welllll, let me just tell you. We rode rides. And we rode some more rides. We met Mickey Mouse. We rode more rides. We shopped. And we rode some more rides! It was fabulous!! Every time I turned around, someone was wishing me a Happy Birthday! I had to wear (yes, HAD to wear) this button that announced to everyone that I was celebrating a birthday. They even put my name on it and it was actually kinda funny to see the looks of people when they saw that my name was Mickey.

I told KJ that ever since I can remember, I've wanted to celebrate my birthday at Disney. At 49, I finally got that wish. It was kinda funny while we were there. We'd say something one minute about all the young parents with toddlers all over the place and how we didn't miss those days at all. Then the next thing you know, I'd see the cutest little princess dress and I'd exclaim, "Oh!! I want grandkids!!" We saw TONS of older couples like us (okay, some were actually older!) and I'd say, "You know, it's really nice not having little kids here and having to deal with that hassle." In the same damn breath I'd say how much I miss my kids and how I wished they were there with us.

Between the birthday wars that Ryan & Lynsay had with each other on who wished me a Happy Birthday first, the fabulous day at Disney, the numerous text messages and phone calls and the yummy dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, it was the best birthday ever.

Oh, to Lynsay and my niece....I even had my picture taken guessed it.....CRUELLA!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

~ He Will Be Missed

I have to admit that hearing that Patrick Swayze passed away today broke my heart and I had tears in my eyes when I was reading the article to KJ. He fought so hard and I, for one, will truly miss his presence.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

~ Run!

Don't worry, we can all go together!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

~ Hope & Faith

"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."
~ English proverb

This is the type of week it's been. My family has had to hope for the best but yet prepare ourselves for the worst.

I'm not a very religious person and I don't go to church on a regular basis. Weddings and funerals are the extent of my seeing the inside of a church. That being said, I'd like to think that my faith is still strong.

Most of you know what's been going on with my mom. Some might even have wondered why I'm still in California instead of in Oklahoma with my mom and my family. The past week has been a week of getting a diagnosis, a 'fact finding' week, so to speak. and until we had all the facts, it was pointless for me to fly out there. I wanted to wait until I had all the facts and the answers I needed.

In any case, some of the results have come back but as of yet, treatment options are still being decided. The PET scan doesn't show cancer anywhere else but in the lung. She has a non small cell tumor in the right lung. The tumor is 2 1/2 inches long. There is also a mass showing on the lining of the lung and they don't know yet what that might be. However, the cancer is contained in the right lung and there seems to be no cancer in the lymph nodes.

At this point, she's home, resting comfortably and taking coumadin to dissolve the numerous blood clots that she has. A home health care nurse will be there twice a day to give her a shot and take any blood work that needs to be done.

The next step is having a thoracic surgeon go over all the tests and the results and then he, along with her oncologist, will lay out the treatment options and we'll go from there.

I'll try to keep everyone updated as we find out more.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

~ Going Down? Yes, please!!

~ The Tram Car

Just to give you an idea of what took us up and down the mountain ~

~ Going Up!

These were taken as we were going up ~

~ 8,500 Feet Up!

Yesterday was KJ’s birthday. And, since this is the world wide web, I’m going to tell how old he is because 1....I can and 2...this is my blog. He’s 49. Yep, one more year before he hits the big 5-0!! That’s all I’m going to say because I’m not far behind him and paybacks can be very bad.

Since the day we moved ovt here, one of the things that KJ has wanted to do is go up on the Palm Springs Aerial Tram. However, my fear of being suspended 2.5 miles up in the air in a rotating tram car with the possibility of a cable breaking or the tram crashing into the side of a mountain has kept my feet planted firmly on the ground where they belong. When I was telling my sister in-law Donna what we were going to do, well, wasn’t she just excited and going on and on about it. How much fun will that be, she said. Take lots of pictures, she said. So, when I mentioned something about taking her on it when she comes out to visit, her response was, “There’s not enough wine in the state of California to get me up there!” In other words, not just no, but HELL NO!!

Well hell, that’s pretty much how I felt but I was thinking more along the lines of there not being en0ugh tequilia to get me up there. But, up there I went. After all, it was his birthday and aren’t birthdays all about doing something special that the birthday person wants to do? Besides, he’s taking me to Disney for my birthday so finding myself 2.5 miles up in the air, dangling from a rotating tram car was the least I could do, right? Uh huh, right.

We started out the day with a good breakfast. I needed the strength to go up the mountain and breakfast seemed like a good idea. Granted, alcohol sounded so much better but I’m no longer in my 20’s and drinking alcohol at 9am no longer holds the appeal that it once did.

We drove to a town called Banning for breakfast to a restaurant that we’ve passed several times off the I-10. Banning is about 45 minutes from here and when we left the restaurant, KJ made the comment about feeling like he had just left Council Bluffs.

Once we got back to Palm Springs and were on our way to the tram, I started getting a bit, umm, jittery. As we were on the bus up to the tram, I looked up and you could see the tram going up the mountain. Holy hell!

Once we got in there, they were in the process of boarding a tram and we were the last two to get on. I’m telling ya, if we hadn’t gotten on that tram right away and I had to sit there waiting for another one, I would have turned around and gone home. Seriously.

I am happy to say that once the tram got moving, I was much too enthralled with my surroundings to care where I was or how I was getting up the mountain. There were a few ‘bumpy’ moments when the tram would hit the towers. The car would dip a little and there was definitely a bit of rockin’ and rollin’ going on!

Once we arrived at the top, we immediately felt the change in the temperature. It was probably a good 30 degrees cooler and it felt wonderful. We went up to the ‘scenic’ deck and took lots of pictures and then went into the bar and had a glass of wine to toast KJ on his birthday.

We spent a few hours up there before heading back down to the bottom where the heat sucked the breath right out of us the minute we got out of the tram.

We topped off his birthday with a trip to Coldstone Creamery last night and let’s just agree that it was delish!!

I tried singing Happy Birthday to him in the car last night on the way home from getting Coldstone but umm, he turned up the radio. *sighs*

Monday, September 7, 2009

~ Happy Birthday

Today is KJ's birthday ~ I survived the tram ride up to the top of the mountain and will blog and post pictures tomorrow.

Psst.....he's 49!!

~ Storms

We've been having very weird weather the past few days. With the fires in LA and the smoke that blows our way and then settles in the valley, it's already very hazy out.

The picture of the rainbow was taken first and the other two were taken about an hour or so later. It was very windy out and we even had a little bit of rain. And when I say 'little bit', that's exactly what we got. A little while later, I noticed that the family room was almost glowing and when I looked out the back door, it was actually an orange-pink color outside. Very odd.

But then, this is California and I'm starting to realize that odd things happen here all the time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

~ Out of the Mouths of Babes

The following was sent to me in an email from a Pipette and it was just too cute not to share.

The humor is courtesy of Terry and the pic is something I found online.

Enjoy and happy Thursday ~

I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold.

Gregory, 5

Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it

Olive, 9

It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to Heaven, and then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes.

Matthew, 9

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else.

Mitchell, 7

My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science.

Henry, 8

Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!!

Jack, 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead.

Daniel, 9

When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado.

Reagan, 10

Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go south for the winter.

Sara, 6

Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter.

Jared, 8

All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it.

Antonio, 9

My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth.

Chris , 9

Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if they don't make the animals get better, they help the child get over it.

Vicki, 8

What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them.

Sarah, 7