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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

~ 8,500 Feet Up!

Yesterday was KJ’s birthday. And, since this is the world wide web, I’m going to tell how old he is because 1....I can and 2...this is my blog. He’s 49. Yep, one more year before he hits the big 5-0!! That’s all I’m going to say because I’m not far behind him and paybacks can be very bad.

Since the day we moved ovt here, one of the things that KJ has wanted to do is go up on the Palm Springs Aerial Tram. However, my fear of being suspended 2.5 miles up in the air in a rotating tram car with the possibility of a cable breaking or the tram crashing into the side of a mountain has kept my feet planted firmly on the ground where they belong. When I was telling my sister in-law Donna what we were going to do, well, wasn’t she just excited and going on and on about it. How much fun will that be, she said. Take lots of pictures, she said. So, when I mentioned something about taking her on it when she comes out to visit, her response was, “There’s not enough wine in the state of California to get me up there!” In other words, not just no, but HELL NO!!

Well hell, that’s pretty much how I felt but I was thinking more along the lines of there not being en0ugh tequilia to get me up there. But, up there I went. After all, it was his birthday and aren’t birthdays all about doing something special that the birthday person wants to do? Besides, he’s taking me to Disney for my birthday so finding myself 2.5 miles up in the air, dangling from a rotating tram car was the least I could do, right? Uh huh, right.

We started out the day with a good breakfast. I needed the strength to go up the mountain and breakfast seemed like a good idea. Granted, alcohol sounded so much better but I’m no longer in my 20’s and drinking alcohol at 9am no longer holds the appeal that it once did.

We drove to a town called Banning for breakfast to a restaurant that we’ve passed several times off the I-10. Banning is about 45 minutes from here and when we left the restaurant, KJ made the comment about feeling like he had just left Council Bluffs.

Once we got back to Palm Springs and were on our way to the tram, I started getting a bit, umm, jittery. As we were on the bus up to the tram, I looked up and you could see the tram going up the mountain. Holy hell!

Once we got in there, they were in the process of boarding a tram and we were the last two to get on. I’m telling ya, if we hadn’t gotten on that tram right away and I had to sit there waiting for another one, I would have turned around and gone home. Seriously.

I am happy to say that once the tram got moving, I was much too enthralled with my surroundings to care where I was or how I was getting up the mountain. There were a few ‘bumpy’ moments when the tram would hit the towers. The car would dip a little and there was definitely a bit of rockin’ and rollin’ going on!

Once we arrived at the top, we immediately felt the change in the temperature. It was probably a good 30 degrees cooler and it felt wonderful. We went up to the ‘scenic’ deck and took lots of pictures and then went into the bar and had a glass of wine to toast KJ on his birthday.

We spent a few hours up there before heading back down to the bottom where the heat sucked the breath right out of us the minute we got out of the tram.

We topped off his birthday with a trip to Coldstone Creamery last night and let’s just agree that it was delish!!

I tried singing Happy Birthday to him in the car last night on the way home from getting Coldstone but umm, he turned up the radio. *sighs*

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