Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~ The Birthday Fairy . . .

. . . is a crock! I'm sure you're all gasping or spitting out your coffee, but it's true. There is no such thing as the Birthday Fairy. I know! I was shocked, too.

Last night before I went to bed, I asked the Birthday Fairy to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make me 10 lbs. lighter on the morning of my birthday. Well, this morning when the day dawned bright and clear, I wasn't 10 lbs lighter at all. I'm thinking that damn Birthday Fairy is in the same place as the Laundry Fairy, the Cleaning Fairy and all those other little fairies that I've called out to at some point. On vacation! *sighs* Just my luck!

Although the Birthday Fairy wasn't anywhere around, I had a wonderful birthday at Disney. The day dawned bright and beautiful. We spent 9 hours at Disney ~ Ryan wanted to know whatever did we do for 9 hours?? Welllll, let me just tell you. We rode rides. And we rode some more rides. We met Mickey Mouse. We rode more rides. We shopped. And we rode some more rides! It was fabulous!! Every time I turned around, someone was wishing me a Happy Birthday! I had to wear (yes, HAD to wear) this button that announced to everyone that I was celebrating a birthday. They even put my name on it and it was actually kinda funny to see the looks of people when they saw that my name was Mickey.

I told KJ that ever since I can remember, I've wanted to celebrate my birthday at Disney. At 49, I finally got that wish. It was kinda funny while we were there. We'd say something one minute about all the young parents with toddlers all over the place and how we didn't miss those days at all. Then the next thing you know, I'd see the cutest little princess dress and I'd exclaim, "Oh!! I want grandkids!!" We saw TONS of older couples like us (okay, some were actually older!) and I'd say, "You know, it's really nice not having little kids here and having to deal with that hassle." In the same damn breath I'd say how much I miss my kids and how I wished they were there with us.

Between the birthday wars that Ryan & Lynsay had with each other on who wished me a Happy Birthday first, the fabulous day at Disney, the numerous text messages and phone calls and the yummy dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, it was the best birthday ever.

Oh, to Lynsay and my niece....I even had my picture taken guessed it.....CRUELLA!!

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