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Care deeply

Speak kindly

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

~ The Continuing Floor Saga

Many of you have asked about the ongoing saga of our floor tile. After showing considerable restraint and patience since August, after agreeing time and time again with the company our builder used for the tile, including the installment of said tile, my patience has finally snapped.

I’m tired of seeing blue tape scattered throughout my house. I’m tired of the parade of so-called tile experts and their sorry excuses for what went wrong, none of which makes any sense whatsoever.

Today, KJ sat down and wrote a letter to the tile company informing them that the only option they now have is to pull up every tile in the house and replace it.

At this point in the game, I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of being patient and agreeable. Now it’s time to get mean and demanding because being nice and agreeable obviously doesn't work with these people.

Basically, I’ve run out of middle fingers! Who has an extra middle finger (or two) I can use?

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