Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Friday, November 20, 2009

~ 'Tis The Season

'Tis The Season . . .

. . . and no, not the “Ho Ho Ho or Deck The Halls” kind, either.

The ‘season’ is when all the snowbirds flock back to the valley year after year, bringing with them bumper to bumper traffic, congestion, busy restaurants, crowded stores and full parking lots.

While this is all well and good for the valley and the economy, this time of year tends to drive the locals batshit crazy. And guess what? I’m a local now. Wow! I never thought I’d say that!!

As a local, I’m used to driving down the 111 and zipping right through all the green lights. Not now. Now, I sit through at least two red lights before I get to actually go through the intersection. That’s because the snowbird in front of me is driving at a high rate of speed of 20 mph, keeping at least three car lengths between him and the car in front of him. *sighs* This must be how they drive in Canada, eh?

I’ve gotten used to finding a parking spot under a tree or right up close. Not now. Now I drive around and around looking for any parking space I can find. A smart local takes the first one she comes to because she won’t find another one anytime soon.

I’ve gotten used to going to the grocery store, Target or Costco and being able to zip right through, get what I want and go. Not now. Now I get stuck with my cart behind a snowbird who is obviously out for a Sunday afternoon stroll. At Costno, no less. And when they shop, they shop in groups and fan out clear across the aisle, prohibiting you from even slipping by and passing them. *sighs* Again, must be a Canadian thing, eh?

I’ve gotten used to being able to be a ‘walk-in’ when I need a pedi and getting the same girl every time. Not now. Now I have to call and make an appointment in advance because if I just walk in, all the chairs are full...of snowbirds. A girl just can’t get a break. *sighs*

Maybe I’ll just spend the season on my couch with a good book, a big spoon, a jar of peanut butter and an even bigger jar of Nutella while waiting for my favorite snowbird to get back to the valley.

Oh hell, skip the Nutella . . . . where’s my cocktail??

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