Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Thursday, November 5, 2009

~ To The Moon & Back

There is no sound that is sweeter to my ears than that of my children’s laughter. No sight that I’d rather see than the smiles that literally light up their faces. Last night I had both and as you can probably guess, I was happier than an elf on Christmas Eve.

The abundance of joy that I get from being around my kids never ceases to amaze me. Their infectious laughter, watching their eyes light up as they share the details of their latest adventure or even just hearing about their day-to-day lives has the abilitly to make me feel as if I’m not always 2000 miles away. Listening to them banter back and forth with each other reminds me of the days when they were both much younger and bickering about one thing or another.

I watch them when they interact with each other and it’s plain to see the closeness they had when they were small has only become more pronounced as they’ve gotten older. Lyns is sometimes Ryan’s ‘I’m too tanked to drive home’ ride and Ryan is sometimes Lynsay’s ‘My heart is broken, I need my brother’s shoulder’. They don’t just love each other, they like each other and they like being around each other. The jokes, the laughter, the ‘Don’t tell mom’ secrets that I know they have, makes all those sleepless nights from when they were babies more than worth it. Knowing that they have each other and that they’re always ‘there’ for each other eases my mind when I think about how far away I am.

I know that there are a lot of things that I’m not. I’m not always a good friend, a good wife, a good sister or a good daughter. I’m stubborn, hard-headed and can get a little pissy when things don’t go my way. I’m impatient and am sometimes prone to being a bit of a potty mouth.

However, at the end of the day, I do know this . . . I can look at my kids and know that I’m not just a good mom, I’m a damn good mom. And if you don't believe me, just ask them. Ryan will grin and say, "Wellllll....." and Lynsay will laugh and say, "Yep but she made me say that."

Besides, who else besides a mom loves their kids to the moon and back?

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