Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Sunday, August 2, 2009

~ Prayers

This blog is for my Glenna ~ my Gem, my ladybug. A few weeks ago, one of my Omaha Ya Ya’s called to let me know that the west coast prayers were desperately needed in Omaha.

Long story short ~ Gem’s husband Dave had gone to the doctor for what he thought was something that could easily be taken care of with meds. Instead, his doctor immediately admitted him to the hospital. That was 3 weeks and 2 surgeries ago.

At the time of Mary’s phone call, things did not look good. Dave was in ICU and was on various machines and had tubes everywhere. He was basically at death’s door. I hung up in tears and started looking for flights back home.

However, the power of prayer, the power of love and the will to live has once again prevailed. Dave is improving daily. Eye movement here, recognition there. They’re baby steps but baby steps are good, it means he’s still with us.

When you say your prayers tonight, send one up for my Gem and Dave ~ he’s not quite out of the woods yet. He’s one of the good guys and we want him to be with us for a long time to come.


  1. Dear friend,

    What a beautiful, beautiful message. You are right he is one of the good guys...and he is struggling to stay alive.

    I love your blogs and you my dear

  2. I love you right back, my Gem.

    My thoughts and my love are always with you and Dave ~ xoxo
