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Care deeply

Speak kindly

Sunday, August 9, 2009

~ Like I Said . . .

See!!!! It's perfectly normal that I have a spider phobia!!

This morning I had an email from a Ya Ya ~ she had 3 things to say about my spider blog . . . .

1. iiiiisssssshhhhhhhh
2. Never ever leave your car windows open
3. Can't the bug guy spray for those things????

See, even Debi understands. This is why I love her as much as I do!

I have to agree with her ~ that spider was just wrong in every single way.

I not only keep my windows in the car rolled up, but I keep the doors locked, too! Hell, those things are HUGE ~ you just never know what they're capable of . . . . .

And my bug guy and I are gonna have a little chit chat.

Good thing he's really easy on the eyes . . .

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