Live simply

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Care deeply

Speak kindly

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~ The Perfect Night

As women, I believe that at some point in our lives, we’ve dreamed of all things perfect. At my age, these days I now dream of the perfect cup of coffee, the perfect margarita or the perfect bar of chocolate.

However, when I was much younger, I distinctly remember not only dreaming of, but believing in . . .

the perfect group of friends

the perfect boyfriend

the perfect date

the perfect wedding

the perfect husband

the perfect career

the perfect child

the perfect house

the perfect me

I’m sure the list could go on and on and on. But that doesn’t change the fact that not all things are perfect. Except for one thing. The Perfect Night.

As young mothers chasing toddlers around, we discover that short of committing a felony, we’d do almost anything for this. As mothers with a houseful of teenagers, we constantly crave it. And as empty nest moms, we suddenly realize that we can have it any night we want. And no ladies, I’m not talking about sex! Although, hmmm....nevermind.

I’m talking about, “THE PERFECT NIGHT”

Ingredients are as follows . . . .

1 cool, brisk fall evening or 1 hot, stressful summer evening (or both)

1 bathroom retreat with door that locks. From the inside.

1 stereo or iPod set to stress-free music ~ I suggest Michael Buble, Dave Koz, Kenny G or nature sounds

1 scented candle ~ I prefer vanilla or lavender

1 tub filled with very warm (but not too hot) water

2-3 drops of lavender essential oil

1 inflatable bath pillow, inflated

2 fresh out of the fridge cucumber slices or sleep mask (optional)

1 huge thirsty, fluffy cotton bath towel

1 soft, silky robe

1 glass of wine - bring the bottle if you plan on being there for awhile

Empty house of all other human beings. If that’s not an option, I suggest muting them as you would the TV and the phone. Turn on stereo or iPod. Light the candle and dim the lights. Add lavender oil to warm bathwater. Disrobe and settle into bathtub with a heavenly sigh. Position bath pillow for maximal comfort. Place cucumber slices or sleep mask over eyes.

** Note ~ the cucumber slices come in handy if you plan on soaking for any length of time ~ you might get hungry.

Remain in the tub, refreshing with hot water as necessary. Continue this until relaxation is achieved or other humans begin pounding on bathroom door. Step out of tub and dry off with big, fluffy towel. Slip into warm, soft robe. Repeat as necessary. I suggest at least every other night for full maximal stress release.

And that, my friends, is the Perfect Night!

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