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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~ Boob Lube

I love the internet and its usefulness. I love how I can find current events, recipes, weather conditions, songs, bestseller information, my friends and your basic random stuff.

This morning as I was enjoying my coffee, I’m surfing the web as is my custom. I came across the above ad for ‘Boob Lube”. Naturally, my curiosity was piqued so I continued reading. The article took me to this wonderful site called “Catching Fireflies”. I have to say that I love this site. I love the whimsical side of it, and that they seem to have something for everyone. But I especially love the fact that this month, they’re focusing on all that is pink. (you’ll find the site at

In the past year and a half, I’ve lost 2 friends to breast cancer. Losing Sally literally brought me to my knees. She had been a part of my life for 20 years. She was at my house every year for our annual 4th of July and New Year’s Eve parties. Every year at New Year’s, she’d stick two plastic cups inside her shirt and we’d stand side by side for the annual picture and the measuring of who had the biggest boobs. The irony of our plastic cup escapades never fails to leave me wondering.

I’ve lost an aunt to breast cancer and I have several friends who are survivors. Unfortunately, breast cancer isn’t picky about who it touches, about whose life it changes or the devastation it leaves behind.

The one good thing is, we can all support the cure. We can wear pink during the month of October, we can participate in the Breast Cancer walk, we can wear the pink band, etc. I, myself, wear a sterling silver bracelet that I bought after Sally died. It’s not only my way to honor her memory but it’s my way of supporting the cause.

And right now, I think I’ll go buy some “Boob Lube” ~ I'm thinking it'll make perfect stocking stuffers!

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