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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

~ Nutella's Anonymous

Hello. My name is Mickey and I’m a chocoholic. It’s been 9 hours, 45 minutes and 10 seconds since I last dipped my spoon into my jar of Nutella.

Sighs . . . .

How is it that I’m 49 years old and have only just recently discovered Nutella? Where has this been all my life? Hell, where have I been that I had no clue that this beautiful jar of spreadable, creamy chocolate with a faint hint of hazlenut even existed? Have I been living in a cave?

I was watching ‘Everyday Italian’ on The Food Network Channel (KJ LOVES Giada, btw) and Giada fixed a lovely dessert using pound cake, Nutella and strawberries. Nutella, I thought? What is Nutella? Little did I know...

I immediately copied down the recipe and had the makings for the dessert by the weekend. The dessert was fabulous but OMG! Nutella? It’s heaven in a jar. It should be a staple for every pantry in America. It should be it’s own basic food group.

On the front of the jar are countless ways to enjoy your Nutella ~ on whole wheat/multigrain breads, bagels, english muffins, waffles, toast and of course, croissants. My favorite way to enjoy my Nutella? The same way I enjoy my peanut butter...on a spoon. A big spoon.

Okay, I confess. The truth is I enjoy my Nutella and my Peter Pan at the same time. *hangs head in shame* It’s like having a Reese’s cup on a spoon only so much better. Seriously.

In my defense, I have tried to think of healthier ways to enjoy my Nutella but the thought of drizzling a perfectly good spoonful of Nutella over my broccoli? *shudders at the thought*

Fortunately, I haven’t become so addicted that I’m sneaking into the kitchen at 3am for my Nutella fix. And I have yet to bathe in it . . .

I’m afraid that Nutella has the possibility of becoming my new BFF. (sorry Ya Ya’s)

sighs....I wonder if there’s a support group for this madness in the Nutella aisle at my local Jensen's. hmmm.....give me my spoon and I’ll do some research on that.

In the meantime . . .

Hello. My name is Mickey and I’m a chocoholic. It’s been 3 minutes and 20 seconds since I last dipped my spoon into my jar of Nutella.

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