Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly

Sunday, October 18, 2009

~ Monday

Sighs ~ every Sunday night I sit and think to myself, "Where the hell did the weekend go?" I used to hate Monday's when I was working. Sleeping in late on the weekends and then having to get up early for school on Monday morning was not my idea of a fun day. I rarely looked forward to Monday mornings. No, I take that back. I never looked forward to Monday mornings.

Tomorrow is no different. Tomorrow morning I'm going to start walking on the treadmill again. It's no longer in the triple digits outside. Well, it was 102 on Saturday but I'm hoping that was a fluke. Since it's no longer triple digits outside, that means the garage is no longer in triple digits, either. So, I'll get up, hit the treadmill, shower and get cleaned up and then go take a typing test.

Yes, you read correctly. A typing test. We all knew it was only a matter of time before I became totally bored out of my mind. Well, I'm not quite there yet but we also know that I don't particularly like to be idle. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being idle all summer long. I mean, hell, that's what summers are for when you work at a school. Being totally lazy and idle.

However, I miss having a paycheck of my own. I miss interacting with other adults. Murphy is good company but he's not like my girlfriends ~ he can't go to lunch with me, he can't get a pedicure with me, etc.

So, before I start to feel like a total loser for having to take money from KJ or before I go completely out of my mind, I'm job hunting. I've applied for a secretarial job at the College of the Desert but you have to attach a typing certificate to your online application. A typing certificate? WTH??

It's been YEARS since I've had to look for a job, let alone take a typing test. But tomorrow that is exactly what I'm doing. Taking a typing test, getting a certificate and attaching it to my online application.

Shit, tomorrow is Monday.

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